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An New Alzheimer's Disease Marker
from Neurosecretory Protein VGF

VGF, Prepro (373-417) (Human)

Identification of a novel biomarker candidate, a 4.8-kDa peptide fragment from a neurosecretory protein VGF precursor, by proteomic analysis of cerebrospinal fluid from children with acute encephalopathy using SELDI-TOF-MS.

BACKGROUND: Acute encephalopathy includes rapid deterioration and has a poor prognosis. Early intervention is essential to prevent progression of the disease and subsequent neurologic complications. However, in the acute period, true encephalopathy cannot easily be differentiated from febrile seizures, especially febrile seizures of the complex type. Thus, an early diagnostic marker has been sought in order to enable early intervention. The purpose of this study was to identify a novel marker candidate protein differentially expressed in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) of children with encephalopathy using proteomic analysis.
METHODS: For detection of biomarkers, CSF samples were obtained from 13 children with acute encephalopathy and 42 children with febrile seizure. Mass spectral data were generated by surface-enhanced laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (SELDI-TOF MS) technology, which is currently applied in many fields of biological and medical sciences. Diagnosis was made by at least two pediatric neurologists based on the clinical findings and routine examinations. All specimens were collected for diagnostic tests and the remaining portion of the specimens were used for the SELDI-TOF MS investigations.
RESULTS: In experiment 1, CSF from patients with febrile seizures (n = 28), patients with encephalopathy (n = 8) (including influenza encephalopathy (n = 3), encephalopathy due to rotavirus (n = 1), human herpes virus 6 (n = 1)) were used for the SELDI analysis. In experiment 2, SELDI analysis was performed on CSF from a second set of febrile seizure patients (n = 14) and encephalopathy patients (n = 5). We found that the peak with an m/z of 4810 contributed the most to the separation of the two groups. After purification and identification of the 4.8-kDa protein, a 4.8-kDa proteolytic peptide fragment from the neurosecretory protein VGF precursor (VGF4.8) was identified as a novel biomarker for encephalopathy.
CONCLUSIONS: Expression of VGF4.8 has been reported to be decreased in pathologically degenerative changes such as Alzheimer's disease, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), frontotemporal dementia, and encephalopathy. Thus, the VGF4.8 peptide might be a novel marker for degenerative brain conditions.

Asano T, et al., BMC Neurol. 2011 Aug 12;11:101.

A novel peptidomics approach to detect markers of Alzheimer's disease in cerebrospinal fluid.

Sensitive and specific diagnosis and monitoring of disease progression are of prime importance to develop new therapies for Alzheimer's disease patients. Although the diagnostic accuracy, verified by pathological examination is high, it is currently not possible to diagnose Alzheimer's disease with a high degree of certainty until relatively late in the disease process. Here, we have undertaken a peptidome analysis of postmortem cerebrospinal fluid of neuropathologically confirmed Alzheimer's disease patients and non-demented controls using a combination of methods and technologies. This includes novel sample preparation based on the enrichment of endogenous, proteolytically derived peptides as well as peptides non-covalently bound to abundant proteins. We observed differences in peptide profiles associated with Alzheimer's disease in the endogenous peptide fraction and in the protein-bound peptide fraction. The discriminating peptides in the unbound peptide fraction were identified as VGF nerve growth factor inducible precursor, and complement C4 precursor, whereas the discriminating peptides in the protein-bound fraction were identified as VGF nerve growth factor inducible precursor, and alpha-2-HS-glycoprotein.

Wijte D, et al., Methods. 2012 Apr;56(4):500-7. Epub 2012 Mar 24.

Discovering new bioactive neuropeptides in the striatum secretome using in vivo microdialysis and versatile proteomics.

The striatum, a major component of the brain basal nuclei, is central for planning and executing voluntary movements and undergoes lesions in neurodegenerative disorders such as Huntington disease. To perform highly integrated tasks, the striatum relies on a complex network of communication within and between brain regions with a key role devoted to secreted molecules. To characterize the rat striatum secretome, we combined in vivo microdialysis together with proteomics analysis of trypsin digests and peptidomics studies of native fragments. This versatile approach, carried out using different microdialysis probes and mass spectrometer devices, allowed evidencing with high confidence the expression of 88 proteins and 100 processed peptides. Their secretory pathways were predicted by in silico analysis. Whereas high molecular weight proteins were mainly secreted by the classical mode (94%), low molecular weight proteins equally used classical and non-classical modes (53 and 47%, respectively). In addition, our results suggested alternative secretion mechanisms not predicted by bioinformatics tools. Based on spectrum counting, we performed a relative quantification of secreted proteins and peptides in both basal and neuronal depolarization conditions. This allowed detecting a series of neuropeptide precursors and a 6-fold increase for neurosecretory protein VGF and proenkephalin (PENK) levels. A focused investigation and a long peptide experiment led to the identification of new secreted non-opioid PENK peptides, referred to as PENK 114-133, PENK 239-260, and PENK 143-185. Moreover we showed that injecting synthetic PENK 114-133 and PENK 239-260 into the striatum robustly increased glutamate release in this region. Thus, the combination of microdialysis and versatile proteomics methods shed new light on the secreted protein repertoire and evidenced novel neuropeptide transmitters.

Bernay B, et al., Mol Cell Proteomics. 2009 May;8(5):946-58. Epub 2009 Jan 21

Identification of potential CSF biomarkers in ALS.

BACKGROUND: The clinical diagnosis of ALS is based entirely on clinical features. Identification of biomarkers for ALS would be important for diagnosis and might also provide clues to pathogenesis.
OBJECTIVE: To determine if there is a specific protein profile in the CSF that distinguishes patients with ALS from those with purely motor peripheral neuropathy (PN) and healthy control subjects.
METHODS: CSF obtained from patients with ALS, disease controls (patients with other neurologic disorders), and normal controls were analyzed using the surface-enhanced laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry proteomics technique. Biomarker sensitivity and specificity was calculated with receiver operating characteristic curve methodology. ALS biomarkers were purified and sequence identified by mass spectrometry-directed peptide sequencing.
RESULTS: In initial proteomic discovery studies, three protein species (4.8-, 6.7-, and 13.4-kDa) that were significantly lower in concentration in the CSF from patients with ALS (n = 36) than in normal controls (n = 21) were identified. A combination of three protein species (the "three-protein" model) correctly identified patients with ALS with 95% accuracy, 91% sensitivity, and 97% specificity from the controls. Independent validation studies using separate cohorts of ALS (n = 13), healthy control (n = 25), and PN (n = 7) subjects confirmed the ability of the three CSF protein species to separate patients with ALS from other diseases. Protein sequence analysis identified the 13.4-kDa protein species as cystatin C and the 4.8-kDa protein species as a peptic fragment of the neurosecretory protein VGF.
CONCLUSION: Additional application of a "three-protein" biomarker model to current diagnostic criteria may provide an objective biomarker pattern to help identify patients with ALS.

Pasinetti GM, et al., Neurology. 2006 Apr 25;66(8):1218-22. Epub 2006 Feb 15.

A panel of cerebrospinal fluid potential biomarkers for the diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease.

The diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease (AD), the most common form of dementia in the general population, usually relies upon the presence of typical clinical features and structural changes on brain magnetic resonance imaging. Over the last decade, a number of biological abnormalities have been reported in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) of AD patients, in particular altered levels of the tau protein and the 1-42 fragment of the amyloid precursor protein. These, however, have not yet proved sensitive and specific enough to be included in the diagnostic criteria for AD, leaving plenty of room for the search of novel biomarkers. The present study describes the analysis of CSF polypeptides by a protein-chip array technology called surface enhanced laser desorption/ionization-time of flight-mass spectrometry (SELDI-TOF-MS). Using this approach, we detected statistically significant quantitative differences (p < 0.05) regarding four overexpressed and one underexpressed polypeptides in the CSF of AD patients as compared to healthy controls. Four of them were further purified by strong anionic exchange chromatography (SAX) and identified by MS analysis as cystatin C, two beta-2-microglobulin isoforms, an unknown 7.7 kDa polypeptide, and a 4.8 kDa VGF polypeptide. The combination of the five polypeptides for the diagnosis of AD allowed to classified six AD patients out of the nine included in this study and all the ten controls, which means in this small cohort that the specificity and sensitivity are 100% and 66%, respectively. This study, based on the protein-chip array technology, demonstrates the presence in the CSF of novel potential biomarkers for AD, which may be used for the diagnosis and perhaps the assessment of the severity and progression of the disease.

Carrette O, et al., Proteomics. 2003 Aug;3(8):1486-94.

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