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Biomarker Chip
Elisa Chip
Enzyme Immunoassay (EIA) Kits
Delivery time
Plasma Extraction
What does it mean?
Blood Samples



Biomarker Chip:


What is purpose of performing BCA and HABA assay?

To adjust the positive controls on both pads to the same global fluorescence intensity.

For purified biotinylated samples, will results differ if I use centrifugation spin force instead of drip by gravity force?

Both methods have been validated and received identical results. However, centrifugation spin force will save time.

What instruments are needed to read the signals for a biomarker chip?

An image documentation system (see Table 1) or microarray scanner (see Table 2). We recommend Fluochem or Fuji-image. The fluorescence imager must be compatible with 75 x 25 x 1mm slide.

Our facility uses ChemiImager 4400 (equal to FluoChem SPTM) for chemiluminescence. For fluorescent detection, we use GenePix 4100A

Can we send in our slides to have our results scanned?

Yes. However, we strongly recommend reading fluorescence signals immediately after performing the assay for best results.

How soon will I receive my order?

5-7 working days.

How are the antibodies spotted on each slide?

46 validated antibodies are in duplicate on each pad.

How can I prevent cross contamination of samples from different wells?

Use the minimum volume (300ul) for each well. I Check whether solutions are leaking into other wells from the bottom. Do not let any solution touch the APS cover.

When using chemiluminescence detection, the image should be taken when the substrate is present in each well.

What is the minimum volume for assay solution on slides?

250ul per pad.

How much sample is required for analysis?

50 - 100ul.




Elisa Chip:


What instruments are needed to read the results of an ELISA chip?

An image documentation system (see Table 1) or microarray scanner (see Table 2). We recommend Fluochem or Fuji-image. The fluorescence imager must be compatible with 75 x 25 x 1mm slide.

Our facility uses ChemiImager 4400 (equal to FluoChem SPTM ) for chemiluminescence. For fluorescent detection, we use GenePix 4100A

Can we send in our slides to have our results scanned?

Yes. However, we strongly recommend reading fluorescence signals immediately after performing the assay for best results.

How soon will I receive my order?

It depends on how many antibodies are spotted on the slide. Each antibody requires two days.

How are the antibodies spotted on each slide?

For fluorescence, the capture antibody (per pad) can be arrayed in triplicates (up to eight antibodies). For chemiluminescence, each antibody can be arrayed in duplicates (up to eight antibodies).

How can I prevent cross contamination of samples from different wells?

Use the minimum volume (50ul) in each well. Check whether solutions are leaking into other wells from the bottom. Do not let any solution touch the APS cover.

When using chemiluminescence detection, the image should be taken when the substrate is present in each well.

What is the minimum volume for assay solution on slides?

30ul per well.

How much sample is required for analysis?

50 - 80ul.





Table 1. Chemiluminescence Detection Instruments

Instrument Vender German/European representative
FluoChem SP Alpha Innotech Corporation Biozym Scientific
PO Box D-31833 Hess Oldendorf
Tel: +49-5152-9020
Kodak Gel Logic 440 System with PC KODAK Kontakt informationen
Wenn Sie nicht die richtigen Informationen gefunden haben, erhalten Sie hier die aktuellsten
ChemiDoc™ XRS System, PC Bio-Rad

Address to Customer Service
Fax: 49-893-188-4123

btm btm btm



Table 2. Fluorescence Detection Instruments

Instrument Vender German/European representative
GenePix 4100A
(Axon Instrument / Molecular Devices)
Molecular Devices Molecular Devices
(tel: 49-8996-05880)
AlphaScan™ Alpha Innotech Corporation Biozym Scientific
PO Box D-31833 Hess Oldendorf
Tel: +49-5152-9020
ScanArray Lite (Cat. # 900-3011538000) PerkinElmer PerkinElmer LAS (Germany) GmbH
Ferdinand Porsche Ring 17
63110 Rodgau - Jügesheim, Germany
Customer Care
Tel: 0800 1 81 00 32
Fax: 0800 1 81 00 31
VersArray ChipReaderer (Cat.# 169-0002) Bio-Rad Bio-Rad
Address to Customer Service
Fax: 49-893-188-4123
GeneChip® Scanner 3000 TG Affymetrix Affymetrix UK Ltd.
UK and Others Tel. +44 (0) 1628 552550
France Tel. +33 800919505
Germany Tel. +49 1803001334
Fax. +44 (0) 1628 552598
btm btm btm


Enzyme Immunoassay (EIA) Kits:


Is an EIA kit identical with an ELISA Kit?


What kind of sample medium can be used?

Any biological fluid with a peptide level high enough to be detected by the kit can be used (e.g. Plasma, serum, tissue homogenate).

How should the EIA Kit be stored?

The kit should be stored at 2 to 4°C. DO NOT FREEZE.

How many samples can be measured with one EIA Kit?

Up to 40 duplicate samples.

What is the expiration date for an EIA Kit?

3-6 months.

What is the sample volume used in an EIA Kit?

50µl per well.

How often can the EIA Kit be split?

The multi well plate contains 12 strips with 8 wells each.

What is the delivery time for EIA Kits?

Approximately 3 days after receipt of order.






What host are the antibodies raised in?

All of our antibodies have been raised in rabbits.

How much peptide has to be injected into the rabbit?

5-10 mg of > 70% pure peptide conjugated to KLH.

How to store antibodies (before and after rehydration)?

Store antibodies at 2-4°C before and at -20°C after rehydration. The product is stable for approximately 3-6 weeks after rehydration at -20°C or below.

What is the delivery time for antibodies?

Approximately 3 days after receipt of order.






What is the activity of a Tracer?

10 µCi per Tracer.

How to store tracers (before and after rehydration)?

Store at -20 °C before hydration and at 4°C after rehydration. The product is stable for approximately one week after rehydration. We strongly recommend that the kit be used as soon as possible for best results.

What is the price and delivery time for a custom iodination?

Please inquire.






How to store peptides (before and after rehydration)?

Store at 2 to 4°C before hydration and at -70°C after rehydration. Most peptides are stable for approximately 3-6 month after rehydration. Typically, any peptide containing Tryptophane, Cystein and Methionine can be easily oxidized and are therefore less stable.

How should an RIA Kit be stored?

The kit should be stored at -20°C.

How should an EIA Kit be stored?

The kit should be stored at 2 to 4°C. DO NOT FREEZE.

How to store tracers (before and after rehydration)?

Store at -20°C before hydration and at 4°C after rehydration. We do not recommend storing any tracer for longer than 2-3 days.

What is the expiration time for buffers and how to store buffers?

Store at 2 to 4°C. The buffers are stable for approximately 6 months.




Delivery time:


What is the delivery time for peptides?

Approximately 3 days after receipt of order.

What is the delivery time for antibodies?

Approximately 3 days after receipt of order.

What is the delivery time for labeled peptides?

Approximately one week after receipt of order.

What is the delivery time for EIA Kits?

Approximately 3 days after receipt of order.

What is the delivery time of an RIA Kit?

We label our tracer every week upon order. Place your order by Monday before noon Pacific Coast time for delivery on the following Tuesday.

What is the expiration time for buffers and how to store buffers?

Store at 2 to 4°C. The buffers are stable for approximately 6 months.






What is the price and delivery time for custom synthesized peptides?

Approximately 50.00 USD per residue. Delivery time is approximately 2 weeks after receipt order.

What is the delivery time for labeled peptides?

Approximately one week after receipt of order.

How to store peptides (before and after rehydration)?

Store at 2 - 4°C before hydration and at -70°C after rehydration. Most peptides are stable for approximately 3-6 month after rehydration. Typically, any peptide containing Tryptophane, Cystein and Methionine can be easily oxidized and are therefore less stable.




Plasma Extraction:


What materials are necessary for plasma extraction?

Code# Description Quantity Price in US Dollars
RK-SEPCOL-1 SEP-Columns, 200mg 50 per box 95.00 USD
RK-BA-1 Buffer A 1x 500ml bottle 20.00 USD
RK-BB-1 Buffer B 1x 100ml bottle 30.00 USD

The buffers cover the extraction of 20 samples. The SEP-Columns hold a net volume of 3ml and can NOT be reused.

When is extraction required?

Extraction is strongly recommended but not required. It is up to the discretion of journal and publication reviewers. Extraction is not required for Ghrelin (Human) RIA and EIA Kits, Ghrelin (Rat) RIA and EIA Kits and Resistin (Human) RIA and EIA Kits.

How to convert from rpm (revolutions per minute) to g?

r=radial distance in cm
rpm=rotational velocity of the motor (revolutions per minute)




What does this mean?


What is the difference between "Antibody for Immunohistochemistry" (H-xxx-xx)
and "Purified IgG" (G-xxx-xx)?

"Antibody for Immunohistochemistry" is the unpurified serum from the immunized rabbit. The "Purified IgG" is the purified immunoglobulin G from rabbit serum.

What does (7-26) mean after a peptide's name?

This peptide is a fragment of the entire peptide or protein (e.g. fragment from amino acid 7 to amino acid 26 starting at the N-terminal).

What does (Human, Rat, Mouse) mean after a peptide or kits name?

The amino acid sequence for this peptide is identical in Human, Mouse and Rat, the kit can be used for Human, Mouse and Rat samples.

Where to find references for kits, peptides or antibodies?

Available references for our products can be found on our web site.




Blood samples:


Can EDTA blood be used in the kits?

Yes, however for storage of samples we strongly recommend the addition of protease inhibitor, e.g. Aprotinin (RK-APRO).

At what temperature should the samples be stored?

For best results, store the samples at -70°C and avoid freeze thaw.

How long can the samples be stored?

For more accurate result, plasma sample should not be stored for longer than 6-12 months.




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