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An Biomarker for obesity, angiographic coronary artery disease & Asthma


Association of plasma eotaxin levels with the presence and extent of angiographic coronary artery disease
Eotaxin (CCL11) is an eosinophil-specific chemoattractant which has been found to be highly expressed at sites of vascular pathology. In the present study, we aimed to evaluate the association of plasma eotaxin levels with the presence and extent of angiographic coronary artery disease (CAD). Three hundred and fifty six consecutive patients attending for elective coronary angiography were investigated. Compared with 111 patients without CAD, 245 with CAD showed higher eotaxin concentrations [median (interquartile range): 76.0 (56.3-103.0)pg/ml versus 116.0 (80.5-162.0)pg/ml, respectively; P<0.001]. Importantly, a significant Spearman correlation was found between eotaxin levels and the extent score of coronary artery stenosis (r=0.449, P<0.001). A stepwise increase in plasma levels of eotaxin was also found depending on the number of >50% coronary stenosis: median value 76.0pg/ml in CAD(-) subjects, 96.0pg/ml in 1-vessel disease, 128.0pg/ml in 2-vessel disease, and 129.0pg/ml in 3-vessel disease (P<0.001 for trend). After confounding variables were controlled for, multiple stepwise regression analysis demonstrated that plasma eotaxin was an independent predictor of angiographic extent of CAD (beta=0.426, P<0.001). Our data suggest that increased eotaxin levels are associated with the presence of CAD and that circulating levels of this chemokine may reflect the extent of coronary atherosclerosis.
Emanuele E, et al. Atherosclerosis. 2005 Aug 3; [Epub ahead of print]
Eotaxin-3 and interleukin-5 pleural fluid levels are associated with pleural fluid eosinophilia in post-coronary artery bypass grafting pleural effusions
OBJECTIVES: The primary aim of this study was to examine the association between pleural fluid (PF) eosinophilia, and the PF and serum levels of interleukin (IL)-5, eotaxin-2, eotaxin-3, and vascular cell adhesion molecule (VCAM)-1 in patients with post-coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) pleural effusions. DESIGN: A prospective observational study. SETTING: A tertiary teaching hospital. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Thirty-eight patients with post-CABG pleural effusions were recruited into the study. An effusion that contained at least 10% eosinophils was called "eosinophilic." The PF and serum levels of the cytokines and VCAM-1 were measured using an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. RESULTS: (1) The number of PF eosinophils significantly correlated with the number of blood eosinophils. (2) PF IL-5 levels were significantly higher than the corresponding serum levels, and there was a significant correlation between the PF and serum IL-5 levels. PF IL-5 levels significantly correlated with the PF eosinophil count, and serum IL-5 levels significantly correlated with the number of blood eosinophils. (3) PF eotaxin-3 levels were significantly higher than serum levels, and PF eotaxin-3 levels significantly correlated with the PF eosinophil count. (4) PF VCAM-1 levels were significantly lower than the corresponding serum levels, and PF VCAM-1 levels were significantly higher in eosinophilic pleural effusions (EPEs) than in non-EPEs. CONCLUSION: In patients with post-CABG pleural effusions, IL-5 and eotaxin-3 are produced preferentially in the pleural cavity, and they are strongly associated with PF eosinophilia.
Kalomenidis I, et al. Chest. 2005 Jun;127(6):2094-100.
Vasudevan A. R. , et al. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism. November 1, 2005 as doi:10.1210/jc.2005-1280
Ectopic expression of eotaxin and other cytokines/chemokines in adipose tissue induces Th2 cell–dependent inflammation in the lung. Eotaxin may influence homing of bone marrow– derived eosinophils to the lung directly, or indirectly by increasing Th2 type cytokines. In addition, eotaxin and cytokines produced by adipose tissue may possibly directly influence airway hyperresponsiveness, thereby leading to an increased prevalence and severity of asthma symptoms in obese individuals. Abbreviations: IL, interleukin; Th2, T helper type 2. Vasudevan A. R. , et al. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism. November 1, 2005 as doi:10.1210/jc.2005-1280
Figure 1A. Eotaxin mRNA levels in mouse adipose tissue detected by RNAse protection assay. Levels of eotaxin mRNA normalized to levels of GAPDH are shown for male (n=6 per group) and female mice (n=3 per group). *p<0.05 for obese mice (high-fat diet; shaded bars) vs. lean mice (normal diet; open bars). Vasudevan A. R. , et al. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism. November 1, 2005 as doi:10.1210/jc.2005-1280
Figure 1B. Eotaxin protein levels in mouse serum detected by ELISA. Eotaxin protein levels in mouse serum are shown for male and female mice (n=6 per group). *p<0.05, **p<0.01 for obese mice (high-fat diet; open bars) vs. lean mice (normal diet; shaded bars). Vasudevan A. R. , et al. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism. November 1, 2005 as doi:10.1210/jc.2005-1280
Figure 1C. Correlation between adipose mRNA levels and serum protein levels of eotaxin in mice. Pearson's correlation (r=0.778; p=0.0081) demonstrates a significant correlation between adipose eotaxin mRNA levels and serum eotaxin levels in mice. Vasudevan A. R. , et al. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism. November 1, 2005 as doi:10.1210/jc.2005-1280

Schematic representation of eotaxin-induced, CCR3-mediated eosinophil activation. Binding of eotaxins to CCR3 receptors expressed on the eosinophil's surface causes: chemotaxis preceded by actin polymerization and cell shape change; production of reactive oxygen molecules; degranulation of ECP and EDN; LTC4 formation at lipid bodies; and vesicular transport-mediated release of preformed IL-4. These eosinophil effector responses could be blocked by CCR3 receptor antagonists (e.g., Met-RANTES) and monoclonal antibodies to CCR3 and were initially triggered by common signaling steps, including activation of Gi protein and a rapid influx of Ca++. Subsequent activation of distinct kinases has been identified to each phenomenon. In addition, eotaxin binding to CCR3 can inhibit cell infection by HIV-1 and induces ligand-dependent receptor internalization, whose signaling pathways are completely unknown but independent on Gi activation or Ca++ influx. Definition of abbreviations: 5-lypoxigenase, 5-LO; eosinophil cationic protein, ECP; eosinophil-derived neurotoxin, EDN; extracellular signal-regulated kinase, ERK; phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase, PI3; protein kinase C, PKC; pertussis toxin, PTX.
Christianne Bandeira-Melo, Anne Herbst, and Peter F. Weller . Am. J. Respir. Cell Mol. Biol., Volume 24, Number 6, June 2001 653-657

(A) Nucleotide sequence and deduced amino acid sequence of human clone 25 cDNA coding region. The underlined amino acids correspond to the predicted signal sequence with the arrowhead indicating the predicted signal peptidase cleavage site. (B) Amino acid sequence alignment of the predicted mature clone 25 protein with other human CC chemokines as well as guinea pig and mouse eotaxin. Amino acid numbering is relative to clone 25, and amino acids identical to clone 25 are boxed. These sequence data are available from GenBank under accession number U34780.
Ponath P. D. et al. J. Clin. Invest. Volume 97, Number 3, February 1996, 604-612
Northern analysis of ~ 2 µg of oligo-dT-selected RNA from various human tissues. Blots were purchased from Clontech and hybridized as described in Methods. After boiling in 0.5% SDS to remove specific probe, the blots were rehybridized with a beta-actin control.
Ponath P. D. et al. J. Clin. Invest. Volume 97, Number 3, February 1996, 604-612
Photomicrographs of human nasal polyp (A and C) and adjacent nasal mucosa (B and D). The polyp (A) is characterized by extensive submucosal infiltration by eosinophils (arrowheads) and attenuation of the overlying respiratory epithelium. Immunoperoxidase staining of step sections of the polyp (C) with antieotaxin mAb 6H9 revealed intense immunoreactivity to epithelium, endothelium lining venules (v), eosinophils (arrows), mononuclear cells (arrowheads), and spindle cells. In contrast, the adjacent respiratory tissue is characterized by normal pseudostratified columnar epithelium and no eosinophil infiltration (B), and immunostaining for eotaxin shows only light constitutive immunoreactivity to epithelium and submucosal mesenchymal cells (D). (A and B) Hematoxylin and eosin, ×1,450; (C and D) ABC-peroxidase technique with Mayer's hematoxylin, ×1,450.
Ponath P. D. et al. J. Clin. Invest. Volume 97, Number 3, February 1996, 604-612
Northern analysis of chemokine expression in the gastrointestinal tract. Total RNA (20 µg) from various gastrointestinal segments of wild-type 129 SvEv mice was electrophoresed and transferred to a membrane that was hybridized under conditions of high stringency with cDNA probes for murine eotaxin, MCP-1, MCP-2, MCP-3, MCP-5, RANTES, and MIP-1, using methods described previously (17). Control RNA is derived from the lungs of IL-4 transgenic Clara cell lung in transgenic mice (39). Each lane represents RNA from a different animal, except the lanes for the tongue and esophagus, which were pooled from multiple animals. Autoradiographs were exposed for 1–2 days. The chemokine cDNA probes were described previously (16), except for MCP-2, which has recently been cloned (M.N. Sarafi and A.D. Luster, unpublished data). The ethidium bromide–stained gel (EtBr) is also shown.
Mishra A., et al. J Clin Invest, June 1999, Volume 103, Number 12, 1719-1727
Correlation between PF eotaxin-3 levels and PF eosinophil levels. = EPEs; = non-EPEs.
Kalomenidis I, et al. Chest. 2005 Jun;127(6):2094-100.


Whole lung and bronchoalveolar lavage BAL eotaxin/CCL11 levels in Aspergillus fumigatus-sensitized wild-type (Eo+/+) mice at various times after soluble A. fumigatus (Asp) allergen challenge. Eotaxin/CCL11 levels were measured using specific ELISAs as described in MATERIALS AND METHODS. Data are expressed as means ± SE; n = 3 mice/group. * P 0.05, compared with levels measured before (t = 0) the allergen challenge.
Schuh J. M. et al. Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol 283: L198-L204, 2002;
Whole lung and BAL eotaxin/CCL11 levels in A. fumigatus-sensitized Eo+/+ mice at various times after A. fumigatus conidia challenge. Eotaxin/CCL11 levels were measured using specific ELISAs as described in MATERIALS AND METHODS. Data are expressed as means ± SE; n = 5 mice/group. Schuh J. M. et al. Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol 283: L198-L204, 2002; .



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